
Entry 1: All About Cole

Hola Todos, 

Since this being my first blog, I'd figure that I would write about myself and future goals for this blog. I am 20 years old living in a small town around the Pittsburgh,PA area. I attend Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Go Hawks!) studying International Business with a Spanish minor (sí yo hablo español). I enjoy playing esports (computer) games such as League of Legends, StarCraft II, Path of Exile and, Diablo III. I am a proud parent of my pet betta fish, Raúl and also my siberian husky, Nanuk and the homely cat, Gerd. I have two brothers, a sister, three step-sisters and a step brother, it's rather a big family but we spread out over the country between PA and TX. I like to listen to basically any type of music from rap to country and punk-rock to instrumental music. Also I do enjoy a good book but that can be hard to come by, however the book I am on right now is "Cien Años de Soledad" (100 years of Solitude) by the Colombian author,Gabriel García Márquez. Some future plans for myself in the next 5-10 years is to graduate (maybe even a masters in business) travel the world, live and learn about many different cultures and languages and, try to make my mark on this world by making it a better place. A few topics of interest that I will probably discuss in future posts are; world relations, philosophy, sociology, languages, religions, fitness and many more that I cannot think of at the moment. I use critical thinking for everything and I like to  think that is an attribute that separates myself from other people my age so I will try to keep most of my post unbiased because I like to look at discussions from multiple angles. I decided to start a blog because I enjoy writing (as weird as that sounds) and want to share my thoughts on whatever comes to mind, and for anyone that reads this, please bear with me on formatting etc. for I am new to this. So here is to a new adventure and I hope to whoever reads this finds my future post enjoyable.

Thanks for reading! ¡Gracias por lectura!

"It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves- in finding themselves"- Andre Gide

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